


Deliverable Deliverable name WP Lead Beneficiary due month due date Period DOI
D1.1 Project website/wiki pages WP1 1 - JIV-ERIC 3 01/06/2023 1
D1.2 Dissemination plan WP1 1 - JIV-ERIC 6 01/09/2023 1
D1.3 Data management plan WP1 1 - JIV-ERIC 6 01/09/2023 1

D1.6 Policy Brief Research Infrastructures WP1 1 - JIV-ERIC 12 01/03/2024 1

D4.1 Assessment of the applicability of next generation technology WP4 2 - NWO-I 12 01/03/2024 1
D4.2 High-speed data handling techniques such as e.g. RDMA WP4 2 - NWO-I 12 01/03/2024 1
D5.1 Library of DASK-accelerated interface to analyse radio astronomy data formats WP5 25 - EPFL 12 01/03/2024 1

D1.4 Industry advisory board meeting and report WP1 1 - JIV-ERIC 24 01/03/2025 2  
D3.1 Initial Simulation core WP3 8 - MPG 18 01/09/2024 2
D3.2 Simulation work WP3 8 - MPG 24 01/03/2025 2  
D3.3 RFSoC beamformer WP3 19 - INAF 36 01/03/2026 2  
D3.4 RFI mitigation via beamforming WP3 8 - MPG 36 01/03/2026 2  
D4.3 Prototype high-speed data transport WP4 15 - UBx 24 01/03/2025 2  
D4.4 Basic correlator on TensorCore architecture WP4 6 - ILT 24 01/03/2025 2  
D1.5 Communication and outreach final report WP1 1 - JIV-ERIC 48 28/02/2027 3  
D2.1 Report on RF lenses WP2 11 - TU Delft 48 28/02/2027 3  
D2.2 Prototype test report WP2 10 - RUG 48 28/02/2027 3  
D2.3 Report on novel horns WP2 20 - OBSPARIS 48 28/02/2027 3  
D2.4 Joined test report on coordinated prototype components WP2 9 - CHALMERS 48 28/02/2027 3  
D2.5 Design report on ultra wideband integrated LNA sideband separating mixers. WP2 30 - UNIMAN 48 28/02/2027 3  
D2.6 Joined report on development and tests of prototypes WP2 14 - CNIG 48 28/02/2027 3  
D2.7 Final report on local oscillator fabrication, tests and their analysis WP2 20 - OBSPARIS 48 28/02/2027 3  
D2.8 Test report on a downconverter module with full instantaneous RF bandwidth. WP2 5 - Fraunhofer 48 28/02/2027 3  
D2.9 Final report on configurable filter WP2 24 - HES-SO 48 28/02/2027 3  
D3.5 PAF demonstrator WP3 8 - MPG 48 28/02/2027 3  
D3.6 Software repository WP3 30 - UNIMAN 48 28/02/2027 3  
D3.7 DBBC4 design and implementation report WP3 8 - MPG 48 28/02/2027 3  
D3.8 MBRX receiver WP3 24 - HES-SO 48 28/02/2027 3  
D3.9 FPA study WP3 10 - RUG 48 28/02/2027 3  
D4.5 Beamforming and coherent dedisperion modules WP4 1 - JIV-ERIC 36 01/03/2026 3  
D4.6 Next-generation correlator demonstrator WP4 6 - ILT 48 28/02/2027 3  
D5.2 Implementation of a fringe fit algorithm in the Dask framework WP5 1 - JIV-ERIC 48 28/02/2027 3  
D5.3 Prototype processing workflow functionality using software modules under DASK framework WP5 2 - NWO-I 42 01/09/2026 3  
D5.4 Port of Bayesian package to make use of DASK-like HPC methods WP5 17 - SDU 48 28/02/2027 3  
D5.5 Demonstrated usage if end-to-end simulation tool for single R1 WP5 1 - JIV-ERIC 48 28/02/2027 3  
D5.6 Full-Stokes dynamical imaging algorithm for time-variable VLBI sources WP5 4 - CSIC 48 28/02/2027 3  
D5.7 Software/firmware repositories containing developed code and documentation WP5 8 - MPG 48 28/02/2027 3  
D5.8 DASK accelerated data reading & GPU processing for radio astronomy tools WP5 25 - EPFL 48 28/02/2027 3